Monday, February 21, 2011

E-6 Navy Retirement Pay

Blue ...

Aquarelle un rien abstraite et que j'aime beaucoup... de mon Papa

Je suis peu présente par ici ces derniers jours... J'ai pourtant reçu de bien gentils messages de quelques-unes d'entre vous, auxquels je n'ai même pas encore pris le temps de répondre... Pardonnez-moi...

C'est que les nouvelles ne sont pas forcément plus réjouissantes que le temps au dehors... Bébé va bien, je vous rassure tout de suite, malgré une grosse fatigue et des contractions un peu soutenues qui m'ont conduite chez mon médecin vendredi... Heureusement, il n'y a rien d'alarmant, tout est normal, mais j'écope d'une obligation resting, lying at least three hours per day ( maybe I will finally improve my knitting ... ) and an early cessation of work ... Almost the same scenario as for Zoelle in fact, less evil because a priori there is no risk of premature delivery if I am complying with the requirements of the physician ... Nothing really serious then: here I am with time for me, little man, time for a nap, sewing, reading ... and calmly wait for the month of May ...

Except that on Friday, after the doctor, another appointment was waiting, an appointment that I had requested, HRD with my local authority ... You remember that last November, I was admitted to a contest, a competition not really easy to have a competition which takes place only 3 or 4 years, we are very likely to apply and where there are few elected officials? I do not say this to praise myself, certainly not, but the success of this contest was a real success for me after 10 years of career, it was a goal I always wanted to achieve ... It was also the hope of a nice development, not necessarily huge in my daily activities because the work corresponded to grade already obtained through the contest, as often ... But it was obviously an evolution in terms of pay and recognition of work done precisely! Of course, when moving from competition in the local government service, we know immediately that your community connection is not required to identify yourself on the contributions received, we know ... However, in this case, the hope was allowed ...

Where things go in a slightly sour and bitter was when I learned that one of my colleagues ( whose honesty is absolutely not involved, I want to clarify ) another service heritage the same community, having won the competition at the same time, under the same conditions, will be appointed soon, but not me ... Here, yet the circumstances are similar, I even have a little more seniority ... So, without getting a lot of illusions, I wanted to get clear explanations, and set free in front , do not limit myself to a simple letter congratulating me warmly on my success, but simultaneously telling me that my situation would be re-examined later ... one day maybe ...

So Friday I was delighted to hear that I was simply a victim of budget arbitration following a policy change in my community , as everyone faces the crisis ( whose back is broad, my faith! ), a choice that comes from above, a choice that may be able to evolve but we can not promise anything anyway ... I even had the great consolation to know that my case had been cited at various meetings ( not specifically anyway ... Thanks for this great delicacy ) as an example to explain the new budget guidelines ... "Of course not, this is not a punishment, since we do not reproach me in my work I am very well noted and I received an unambiguous strong support from my chief of service ... "In vain ..." Of course, my community is well aware of the risk of seeing me quit my job ( yes, because I must tell you that my contest is only valid for 3 years and I lose the benefit if I can not find a job within that time ... )

Risk for who? I know very well that if I had to be replaced, I'd be a contractor or someone with a lower grade than mine and cheaper ... And yet, replaced after how long? Car interested yet the culture? The budgets of all museums in France this year and will decline in coming years, teams are becoming smaller, but it is nevertheless still produce as many exhibitions, attracting the public, work on collections, communicate, etc. . Between my arrival at my post in 2003 and early 2011 that I can count at a minimum of 4 people less in the team for the same work, without counting those who have been replaced by that of part-time ...

So here since Friday, I ponder, I down in tears at the slightest annoyance, because it's still for I failed, because it calls into question not only of professional projects, but also life projects including the ability to change houses, to finally have a little more room for our family about to grow ... And for now I have some difficulty to accept the prospect of seeking another position soon baby arrived, prepare a removal at a time when Zoelle come to school, where baby will enter kindergarten, to consider a big upheaval for professional as Mr. Groundhog ... And yet, all this happen in the best case, that is to say really if I can find another job But shortly ... It will bounce right, rather than waiting and so cling to unrealistic hopes of being appointed for three years because I refuse that risk ...

Sorry for this long message probably a bit indigestible, and perhaps you will not want to read, but it had to ensure ...

I promise I'll be back soon with my babushkas all colorful and smiling ... A little taste of my studio where ten ladies choose their finery ...


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